From North to South

Amy's ramblings. Once upon a time these ramblings pertained to my 5 months in Guatemala and Honduras. Then they followed the ebb and flow of my final semester in Alaska. From there things really went south ... to Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. After 8 months in the Andes, I fell back under Alaska's spell … working at a newspaper and wandering mountains. Now I'm somewhat south again ... in Jackson Hole, WY, teaching ski school on the clock and making fresh tracks off the clock.

My Photo
Location: Alaska, United States

I've come to realize that if you have faith in the world, the world will show you amazing and beautiful people, places and things

Friday, November 16, 2007

Why I love to telemark...

I love driving along roads frosted by soft pink snow... it's as though dawn took a giant highlighter and colored the whole earth

I love the thick breathing, warm fingertips and mental focus as I ascend -- one step at a time -- up the mountain

I love the free, floating sensation... I drop off a lip, a little air under my feet, my right knee dives foward, then springs back...In one swift motion I'm simultaneously propelled upwards and downwards

I love the views! Bold icy peaks, the tongue of the ocean, trees dressed up for halloween as ghosts, crumpled snow, a silent forest, swooping birds...

I love feeling tired at day's end... my whole body melts into itself with the certainty that today was a day well-lived

I love the inspiration I inevitably walk away with... somehow being "out there" puts into perspective what's "here"

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pakistan, the response

As I work on this documentary about the Engaging Muslims project that Alaska Pacific University is sponsoring this year, my thoughts have been continually drawn to Pakistan.

It's darkly ironic that in order to fight this so-called War On Terror, which is meant to protect human rights, our government feels that it needs to approach the blatent human rights abuses happening in Pakistan in a decidedly passive manner.

Two years...

As this blog approaches its second birthday--Nov. 14--it seems like a good time to reflect...

My first post ever held this comment that referred to my pending trip to Guatemala:

I can't help but wonder how this experience will change my thinking? I highly doubt that it will change the core of who I am but I am almost certain that it will change some of the ways I think about and approach the world. But how? I guess that is why I'm going... to find out.

It's true. The core of who I am has not changed, but my thinking has.

I have an enriched understanding of the diversity of people in places in this world. I have a deep love for the Latin culture and Spanish language. I have a fearlessness that allows me to wade through challenges. And I have an insatiable desire (some may call it an addiction) to know the world... to taste the innumerable spices, to hear the rhythm of languages, to breath in deeply rich colors, and to touch the textures of sandy beaches, ancient buildings and soft, wrinkled hands.

I have four places to call home... Colorado, Guatemala, Argentina and Alaska.

I have dear friends who come from all walks of life and a great many countries.

I have a clear sense for how I want to lead this life laid out before me...

Two years of adventures, many more to come!

Good Snow at Turnagain

I went skiing with Ben at Turnagain Pass on Wednesday. It was a phenomenal day! The snow was good, we laid first tracks and the day provided numerous moments for a good laugh. Here's the view from Tin Can, the peak we dropped off of...