From North to South

Amy's ramblings. Once upon a time these ramblings pertained to my 5 months in Guatemala and Honduras. Then they followed the ebb and flow of my final semester in Alaska. From there things really went south ... to Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. After 8 months in the Andes, I fell back under Alaska's spell … working at a newspaper and wandering mountains. Now I'm somewhat south again ... in Jackson Hole, WY, teaching ski school on the clock and making fresh tracks off the clock.

My Photo
Location: Alaska, United States

I've come to realize that if you have faith in the world, the world will show you amazing and beautiful people, places and things

Monday, April 28, 2008

From north to really north

Last month I was smack in the middle of Manhattan... the vibrant and bustling center for international politics, multi-national corporations and world renowned art...

Last week I was within the boundaries of the same country... but in a different world entirely.

I crossed the Arctic Circle and landed in Kotzebue... a rather large native village of 3,000 people located in the northwest corner Alaska!

The trip was one of four that Joshua and will make for a video were producing on a tribal doctor named Della Keats

Slowly we're inching our way toward the dream... traveling the world, telling stories and getting paid to do it.

On this last trip, it may have been middle of April, but it was bitterly cold. Add an non-stop, howling wind to zero degrees (Fahrenheit) and after seven minutes outside the cheeks start to go numb.

This is the Alaska everyone pictures when they ask me how I make it through the winters.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

April blizzards, bring May lizards?

I just took these photos through the windows of my house

Two days ago I was running without hats, gloves, etc. under 50 plus degree sunshine...

This morning I could see the dead grass in the backyard and the cement on the driveway...

Several hours later... Whabam! It's a blizzard.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, it's official!

Last week I put in my two weeks notice at Channel 2 and accepted the editor job at the Alaska Star.

Someone recently described my decision as "bold." And it definitely is that...but for the better, I'm convinced.

With a little reflection on life, one thing is obvious: some of the best decisions I've ever made have been bold...

Moving to Alaska, heading off to Central America, making a movie, wandering through South America...

Each of these experiences I treasure deeply and remember vividly!

So once again, I go out on a limb. It feels a bit shaky, and I feel a bit nervous, but step-by-step I gain confidence.

What awaits?

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Symbiotic relationship

"These records reveal a symbiotic relationship where the usual dividing lines between government and journalism have been obliterated."

An example of journalism at its finest. Reporter David Barstow calls it like it is... and then backs up his statements with 11 pages chalked full of fact.

To see the full New York Times story this is the link...

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring signs

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Mom's visit

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Recent Publication: Coffee

Here's the link to my most recent article. It's about the huge concentration of espresso stands and speciality cafes in the Eagle River/ Anchorage area. We even beat out Seattle when it comes to the per capita number of places that sell or use espresso... making us first in the nation!

Also, just for kicks I added one of the photos I took for the story -- and liked -- but that didn't get published in the paper.

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