Keith came to visit Joshua and I in the middle of June. We drove down to Seward for the weekend... visited Exit Glacier, saw sea otters and sea lions, camped in the yard of Anabell's cabin, watched loads of halibut being wheeled off the dock and generally enjoyed the weekend.
Lake on the way to Seward
Sea lion who hung around the docks, getting big and fat from all the halibut leftovers. (The fishermen clean and fillet the halibut at a station on the docks).
Keith and Joshua
A sea otter
Alaska license plate
More of the sea lion
Take three of the sea lion
Joshua and Anabell in Anabell's cabin
A corner of Exit Glacier. We hiked the moraine up the side of it for a ways.
View of the water from Seward
Boat in the harbor
A fisherman wheeling the bucket back to the boat for more fish.
A super nice lady and expert fish filleter, who makes part of her living filleting to fish that tourists catch when the hire a charter for the day.
Yum. Fresh-caught halibut.
Joshua "leaning" up against the van we borrowed from friends for the weekend.
Labels: Alaska, Anabell, Exit Glacier, Halibut, Harbor, Joshua, Keith, Road trip, Sea lion, Sea otter, Seward, Weekend